Sunday, 22 May 2011

Clutch Mother.

I was really pleased with this design. This was a random creature design that was a amphibious type of dragon.
I first drew it out as a rough pen Idea to get the basic shape and Idea of her. Since she is a brood mother she keeps a batch of eggs pouched unger her stomach so that she can carry them with her.

She is very dragon like in appearance however she has anphibian qualities to her.

I then attenpted to make a digital upgrade to her to show what skin colour she would possibly have, if she would have scales etc and how the colours would suit her enviroments.

Had some issues with it getting it the right colour on the back grouns since it was different oopacities which was causing it to go a different coulour than what I wanted for her but I managed to fix that with a right blend of colour that went with it. The tools used for drawing this was mainy the normal paint tool but with different sizes oppacities used to help shade and add in higlights to the image.

Human Female Hairstyles

There where 4 designs used for the female hairstyles. The first type was a wild style of hair style that was loosly managed , long flowing and kind of messy. It had a side fringe to it with one side slightly longer than the other. The second design was a shortened hairstyle, nothing unusual just a short cropped bob on the character. Third was a flowing hairstyle, this was again the common one used through out most of the races, which was long cureled or streight hair that could be short or long. And the forth hairstyle was the one used in the image which was up braded. I liked this hairstyle lots for the human females. This one mainly consisted of up brushed hair that had a braded crown from the side of the head running to the back of the head.

Human Male Rotations

The same applied for male rotations here as the females.
Not much description to add to them unless they some how are introdused to something different a normal human would not have.

Other than that they nad the same joints and body structures as normal humans. They can also have different builds as this is only an example of an althletic muscular build of human, there would still be many other types of humans living in the universe that are lanky or over weight etc in build.

Human Female Rotations

Finally female human rotations. Wasnt much to really type that was quite descirptive for a human. Humans are the main common race surrounding the universe when they advanced and took to the universe, expanding in numbers.

There could well be hybrids in advances, however they will probably keep the same principle base of a human.

Old Matey sketch

This was one of the first matey designs in an early design stage.
It was a discarded design that I didnt decide to use. Here I tried to make it look alien like with adding in the different eyes and tentacle features, but it was because of making it TOO alien I didnt use it , I still wanted to keep a fimiliarity of what the creature was so that people could Identify it as a parrot but with alien qualities.

Captain Sketches (Female)

These where some designs that where following up on a character concept for captain, who did firstly start off as a male from a previous race I designed but slightly further evolved in the future.

Here I was just sketching out a few ideas of her build and style. I wanted to make her look a bit pirate style but with a touch of technology to make it fit into a futuristic space theame. However in the end we decided to go with customisable characters instead of actual playable pre made character so that you have a more sence of adventure and story to what you want to play.

Male and Female Alien Hairstyles

Some hairstyles I worked on that could be used for the male and female alien customisation.

For the female hairstyles I created 4 different styles that could be available to create.
The first was a looped braid hairstyle where the hair was brushed upwars towards the crest and then a braided on the side which looped upwards to join the hair at the top of the crest.

the second was stary style where the hair was at different lengths starting longer at the back then slowly shortening through the back which curled outwards giving it a stary effect.

third style was an uptied style, this is a style where the hair is all pulled up back. the tip of the hair is then outspread at the back of the head like a ponytail.

The image used in this post was the forth hairstyle, side curls, I designed for this race. This one was a commonly used hairstyle in other race hair styles. This just consisted of curls running from the crest and down the back of the head. this hairstyle takes on both a long and short form.

I also made for hairstles for the males. These where as followed -

firstly there was the free grown style which was a long, unmanaged sort of hairstyle that gave the character a rugged look, it also kept the options open for coming up with more hairstyles based of that design.

The second design was Up short style, which was as it says, the hair is short, reducing in size as it reaches the crest ans around the crown of the head.

The third design was Pony braids which is the male style of hair used in the image. This hairstyle was made up from the hair on the side of the character head using lots of brades in row.

The forths hairstyle was a easy one, but I didnt like it so much. It was a side short hairstyle which ment that the character has only short tuffs of hair on the side of the head where as the rest was shaved.