The body here is baised on the alien type in the previous posts :) (TO NOTE - the colour of the alien isnt neccisserily blue I was just sketching them out in this colour).
Any how this alien is humanoid in build basic to that of a human. Legs etc are also in basic design to a human so they have no triple joints and whatnot.
What they do have differently is a large spine like ridge on the Aliens back that runs down from the neck to the tip of the aliens tail. I am unsure if I will be keeping the tails also.
The spine like ridge has no particular use to say but its hard bone like structure offers extra armour to the aliens body.
On her back you can see there a ridges. These work as a form of gills that help addapt the alien to the atmosphere on planets by inhailing the air and addapting it into oxygen for the Alien to supply itself with.
I also Added small specks of scales to the skin around her body. Again its not something relevent to the creature but a nice little feature.
i like the spine :) x