Some hairstyles I worked on that could be used for the male and female alien customisation.
For the female hairstyles I created 4 different styles that could be available to create.
The first was a looped braid hairstyle where the hair was brushed upwars towards the crest and then a braided on the side which looped upwards to join the hair at the top of the crest.
the second was stary style where the hair was at different lengths starting longer at the back then slowly shortening through the back which curled outwards giving it a stary effect.
third style was an uptied style, this is a style where the hair is all pulled up back. the tip of the hair is then outspread at the back of the head like a ponytail.
The image used in this post was the forth hairstyle, side curls, I designed for this race. This one was a commonly used hairstyle in other race hair styles. This just consisted of curls running from the crest and down the back of the head. this hairstyle takes on both a long and short form.
I also made for hairstles for the males. These where as followed -
firstly there was the free grown style which was a long, unmanaged sort of hairstyle that gave the character a rugged look, it also kept the options open for coming up with more hairstyles based of that design.
The second design was Up short style, which was as it says, the hair is short, reducing in size as it reaches the crest ans around the crown of the head.
The third design was Pony braids which is the male style of hair used in the image. This hairstyle was made up from the hair on the side of the character head using lots of brades in row.
The forths hairstyle was a easy one, but I didnt like it so much. It was a side short hairstyle which ment that the character has only short tuffs of hair on the side of the head where as the rest was shaved.
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